Saturday, 10 October 2009


Can't realli rmb. But i think it sld b last sat. Celebrate my friend bday. We went 1819 to booze.... 1 martell n 5 jug of beer i think... As usual i took my bike dwn. Guess wad i was banned from riding hm b'cos of e liquor tt i drank. Damned it. N i m forced to tk cab hm.... It is realli wad e F...! Cab fare is damn ex! No shit shelocks. Next day morning i still haf to tk cab back to get my bike.... Damn! All of them sleeping like a pig @ hm n i still haf to work e whole day. E saddest pt is tt eddie is nt in sing. If nt i wldn haf to travel so much on e stupid cab. Hope eddie is haf ing lots of fun in HK.